If I Was the US President and 3 Policies I Would Implement for America

Being the President is one tough job. Being the highest government leader in the US can be a daunting task, but if I were to be President, there are some things I would change just like many people would. America is great, the land of the free, home of the brave, and many other great happenings have occurred here. Based on the President themselves, they have implemented many laws and said a great many of speeches, however, America isn’t perfect. Nothing ever is, but we can try to be the best that we can be.

Being President, you have numerous jobs to uphold. Many people are counting on you. “Chief executive of the federal government and Commander in Chief of the armed forced. As Commander in Chief, the president has the authority to send troops into combat, and is the only one who can decide whether to use nuclear weapons” (The President’s Job).

“As chief executive, he enforces laws, treaties, and court rulings; develops federal policies; prepares the national budget; and appoints federal officials. He also approves, or vetoes acts of Congress and grants pardons” (The President’s Job).
As for what policy I would ensure first as President, I would have to go with a policy on combating and improving our judicial system, especially when it comes to prostitution. In each state, there are certain policies about prostitution cases and how they should go about punishing the accuser/victim (in some cases). When a police officer gets a tip about someone seeing a ‘prostitute’ on the streets, they almost immediately arrest them, and they serve jail time. However, about 99% of these ‘prostitutes’ are just people who are in an unpleasant situation, also known as sex slavery (Policy).

Many individuals are forced to perform sexual acts for their boss, to earn enough money for them, so they don’t end up homeless or beat, or even killed. Implementing a policy on how we approach these people, I think will have a better impact on the community and will have an increased number of finding these ‘Johns’ and arresting them.

Another policy that I would implement has to do with our health care system. Almost everywhere else, they have free health care. The US doesn’t. We are entitled to free health care. We pay our taxes and do our jobs, we should have access to it. Many people get sick and die because they don’t have enough money for health care insurance or end up homeless because of their bills. It’s a daunting task to undergo and many people will not like it, but for the people of America, I think we deserve it (Should).

The last policy I would implement as President would have to do with women’s rights. As a woman myself, I haven’t really understood the many trials that we had to go through since we have wanted to vote and be our own person. After learning and hearing more about it, especially through what has been going on with our rights since President Trump has been in office, I would implement a policy about birth control. Men get free condoms. Women must pay for birth control. Maybe there wouldn’t be so much unwanted teen pregnancy and abortions if we were able to get free birth control. It’s as simple as that.

What would you do as President? There are thousands upon thousands of issues still in America. If we could all come together, instead of combating each other, we may get better results. Think about the policies that you would enact as President and how that would affect America.



“Should Health Care Be Free in the U.S.?” Debate.org, 2016, www.debate.org/opinions/should-health-care-be-free-in-the-u-s.

“The President’s Job.” The President’s Job | Scholastic.com, www.scholastic.com/browse/article.jsp?id=4684.

“Policy Approaches to Trafficking in Persons.” U.S. Department of State, U.S. Department of State, www.state.gov/j/tip/rls/tiprpt/2007/82813.htm.


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