Voting -Why You Should Do It

Voting is your time to follow a particular course of action that you live by. Whether it be that of an individual’s values and actions or because you want to reject something or someone that you don’t believe in. Voting means voicing in something or someone that you believe in to change the world/country for the better and it’s all about the people that live in it, so you should use your right to do so.

Voting, according to an online dictionary, is “a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals; the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc.” (Dictionary).

There are many reasons to vote. But some of the more important ones are as follows: Bringing people together with people power is the only thing that will keep this country moving in the better direction. Many people lost lives to make your right to vote a possibility. Don’t let them die in vain. And if you don’t vote for what you believe in, who will?
The importance of voting is really for the younger generation. They look up to those in power, most of the time, so you want to create a better world with the type of values that you have and want for them. Therefor, voting is for the children and the different kinds of opportunities they will have in life if your vote is positive. “I found that these students have incredible dreams for their future. But their dreams could be shattered if we elect the wrong candidates – people who will pursue policies that do nothing for kids” (Perez).

The importance of voting also comes with privilege. It’s a right and privilege that many people take for granted. Many parts of the world don’t get a chance to vote and speak their minds without real repercussions, so it is vital to understand that this vote actually means something and can provide something better (Why Should).

Your voice needs to be heard and one of the best ways to do that is to be vocal about what you believe in and understand the right that you have to do so. You are being heard and you are getting somewhere with someone in their mind about what you think is right.

Voting in the next presidency elections are important, but so are local elections. Get vocal about your city or town. If there is a local law that is about to be enacted that you don’t agree with then go to a council meeting and tell them why it shouldn’t be enacted.

To conclude, your voice does matter. Not just in the presidency election, but in your local city or town. It matters to people around you what you are voting for especially if you are correctly informed and do what you believe in to be right. If anything, think about the children that are going to be around longer than you and decided what should be right for them in the upcoming future. It does matter.



Bullington, Kathryn. “50 Reasons Why You Should Vote.”, 26 Oct. 2016,

Perez, Rosie. “Why I Vote, and You Should Too.” CNN, Cable News Network, 3 Nov. 2012,

“Why Should People Vote in Elections?” Reference, IAC Publishing,



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