• What Is Fiat Currency and Does It Have Value

    We put our value in many everyday items even though there is no real tangible value to it. Money on the other hand is tangible value that is worldwide. However, when it comes to fiat currency, is it truly valuable? Or is it simply valuable because we just believe that?

    First off, what is fiat currency? “Fiat money is currency that a government has declared to be legal tender, but it is not backed by a physical commodity. The value of fiat money is derived from the relationship between supply and demand rather than the value of the material from which the money is made” (Radcliffe). It was first introduced as a substitute to a commodity-backed currency, but this currency is not backed up to any physical reserves, so it is worthless when hyperinflation comes into play. Just like if people in America stop using the U.S. dollar, it won’t have any value. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • Voting -Why You Should Do It

    Voting is your time to follow a particular course of action that you live by. Whether it be that of an individual’s values and actions or because you want to reject something or someone that you don’t believe in. Voting means voicing in something or someone that you believe in to change the world/country for the better and it’s all about the people that live in it, so you should use your right to do so.

    Voting, according to an online dictionary, is “a formal expression of opinion or choice, either positive or negative, made by an individual or body of individuals; the means by which such expression is made, as a ballot, ticket, etc.” (Dictionary). Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • What Music Does

    As a human being, it’s natural for me to like music. And like many other human beings, I have a set of genres that I like and dislike. But what makes music so interesting and likeable? The use of it just as leisure, as a studying method, it can make us feel emotions that you didn’t think you could have from a song, it’s a conversation piece, and its’ art is what makes it so valuable to us.

    Music is everywhere. We sometimes notice and sometimes it’s so common that it’s strange to not hear music. When you hear certain music, your brain produces dopamine, which is the happy chemical in your body as it’s the hormone that has the most drastic effect on your emotions and pleasures. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • Finding Purpose to Succeed

    purpose concept on signpost

    How do you become successful? How do you give yourself purpose? It is not something that can be done overnight. It’s not miracle work. It’s something you must develop over time and become adapted to it. There are many ways that this can be done, so let’s take a look at some and what you can do if you are stuck.

    The first step is to see that you need a wake-up call. People need purpose to keep on going in life. If they are stuck and they can’t find it, they might give up on the single life that they have. Next, you have to realize that your purpose may not be directly obvious, but you shouldn’t let that be a hinder you in finding it. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • How Millennials are Viewed in the Workplace

    Group of business people working at office

    Many older generations would say that millennials are ruining society or the workplace, but we can look at what they do for the workplace that is good. Times change and so does the people with it due to technology and the growing workforce that supports the economy and environment.

    What is a millennial though? “Millennials are the generation born between 1982 and sometime in the early 2000s. However, these boundaries aren’t set in stone” (What is a Millennial?). It can start as easy as 1978 and then as late as 1985, so it really depends on the person’s opinion. Of course, this angers many because they wouldn’t consider themselves as millennials while others do. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • The Decreasing Value of a College Degree

    A college degree can be worth so much to someone in certain career fields, but for others, it can lead nowhere. It all depends on the profession that you are trying to go into. However, overtime, a college degree is decreasing in its value among many careers.

    Learning and understanding different perspectives is challenging and one can go to school for that, but why? Where does that get you? You need other reasons to go to a top-notch school. Many students feel they need to go to college because that’s what society is expected someone out of high school to do. So they end up going without a real clue of what they want to do. This is a growing epidemic in the U.S. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • The Wonderful Studio Ghibli

    One of the most acclaimed animation studios ever, it has made the most beloved animated films to ever reach the screen and touch millions of hearts, old and young. Learning about the Studio and the amazing Hayao Miyazaki will make people more interested in the animated works that we see on screen, but don’t really give credit to this genre.

    Hayao Miyazaki is regarded as “one of Japan’s greatest animation directors” due to the compelling characters, plots and the “breathtaking animation” in his films as earned him that title (IMDb). He was born in Tokyo, Japan in 1941 and began his animation career in 1963 at the studio Toei Douga where he worked on early classics of the Japanese animation (IMBd). Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • Films That Are So Bad, You Have to See Them

    There are millions of films out there, but only half of them are actually good. What about those films that are bad? There are many, many bad films out there, but only a few are so bad that they have to be watched for the content of ridiculousness.

    Films can be anything nowadays since the code has been banished. Now there are films about sharks in a tornado forming mayhem within bad acting. Or a there are films about a killer tire. Yes, a tire. So, if you ever had a wacky idea for a film, there’s a 99% chance that you can achieve success through them. Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • Leading by Fear, a Failed Leadership Strategy

    Many established leaders will credit their success by using fear as a strategy, but what does that really do for the people that work for you and work with you? The strategy may work, but it can have repercussions for the work environment, especially in the long run for the company. Learning to lead by example is important; not with fear.

    Fear as a strategy will hurt people in long run and create a bubble around you as a leader. It can create stress for everyone – “Leading by fear may look like it increases productivity in the short run, but if it results in staff becoming more stresses, making more mistakes and rushing their work, becoming burnt out and ultimately having more leave then long-term productivity might be hit hard” (Morgan). Continue reading  Post ID 710


  • World’s Ugliest Dog Contest

    People love awards. Academic, attendance, military, gifts, etc. But what if you could win an award based on your dog’s looks? Well there is such a thing. They have awards based on their dog’s appearance. It might seem mean to the dog, but what do they know? For over 25 years, this contest has become an international phenomenon and brings forth so many interesting dogs to the world.

    The contest is held in Petaluma, California at the Sonoma-Marin Fair and has become an international event for dogs that don’t meet the “AKC pedigree standards to be man’s (or woman’s) best friend” (World’s Ugliest Dog). This year, the world’s ugliest dog went to an English bulldog named, Zsa Zsa. The owner received $1,500 for the win. Last year the award went to a Neopolitan Mastiff with a droopy face and as fostered by the Dogwood Animals Rescue Group (Padgett). Continue reading  Post ID 710
